Summer Melody……The Asian Koel
Eudunamys scolopaceus
It is that time of the year when you wake up early in the morning to the beautiful, melodious songs of the Asian Koel or Koyal.

This brood parasite (it lays its eggs in the nest of the house or jungle crow) starts getting vocal at the beginning of summer with the song getting more melodious with each passing day. It is silent in winter, making you think that it is no more in the vicinity!

The Asian Koel feeds largely on fruits, berries, and also on caterpillars and insects. It is particularly fond of the berries of Asopalav (false Ashoka, Polyalthia longifolia) trees; in fact, I wasn’t even aware of these berries till I saw a Koel gorging on them!
It was surprising to see small birds like the Fantail and Paradise flycatchers, bulbuls, and Magpie robins going into attack mode when a Koel is nearby, it doesn’t present any danger to them! The TWEET-TWIT-TWIT-TWEETWEET which you hear along with the Koel call is that of the Fan-tailed flycatcher. You will notice the fan-shaped tail when you play the video below!
Contrary to popular poetic references in the Indian literature and lyrics, it is the male of the species which has the melodious voice! The female-only utters a sharp, quick-repeated kik-Kik-kik-kik as it flies from tree to tree.
The male and female are so very different from each other….the male a glistening black with yellowish-green bill and Crimson eyes; the female- brown, profusely spotted and barred with white. In fact, I find the female quite frightening up close! The Crimson eyes are probably the only common feature!!
Please click here to see my collection of the Asian Koels
Aditi Deshpande